Housing And Health

Unsafe slum in Kolkata, India.

It is widely acknowledged that health constitutes the core pillar of Human Development, and is a key indicator for assessing achievements in capability enhancements and well-being. Healthy people are more productive and their contribution augments economic development and fuels growing incomes. On the other hand, ill health stifles the full realization of psychological, social and economic capabilities, and has financial implications in terms of loss of income & productivity. Continue reading “Housing And Health”

Capturing The Colonial Calcutta : Reminiscences Of An Era

Howrah Bridge, Kolkata

Being a Calcuttan or a Kolkattan in today’s context; it is of profound interest to explore certain pockets and landmarks of the city, which in their own way speak of both architectural and cultural characteristics which take back to an era in spite of some drastic changes witnessed in modern context of the city, society, people, surroundings and many more of such aspects. Continue reading “Capturing The Colonial Calcutta : Reminiscences Of An Era”

Is Affordable Housing Inclusive ?

An affodable housing project underway In New Delhi.

Over half of the world is urbanized now. An ever growing population and increasing activities in a developing city bring about tremendous pressure on the urban land and its housing sector. Urbanization has resulted in people increasingly living in slums and squatter settlements and has deteriorated the housing conditions of the economically weaker sections of the society. The problem of Urban Housing has always been an inevitable outcome of growing urbanization. Continue reading “Is Affordable Housing Inclusive ?”

A Demolition And Urban Opinion

A reaction to demolition of Hall Of Nations, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
A reaction to demolition of Hall Of Nations, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
A reaction to demolition of Hall Of Nations, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi.
Picture – Rajeev Tarakguru | Instagram

In a sorry development, a modern architectural marvel was demolished. The landmark symbolized India’s tryst with modern architecture. The cast concrete structures designed by architects Raj Rewal, Kuldip Singh and engineered by Mahendra Raj stood witness to numerous exhibitions and trade fairs. Though well known to architectural community these modern ‘monuments’ were not ‘popular’ amongst masses.

Amidst wi-fi dreams the city has started abandoning its heritage, its identity. The sense-of-belonging to cities has seen rapid decline and they have been reduced to basics of being economic engines.

The demolition of Hall of Nations on night of April 23-24′ 2017 has resulted in a debate about definition of heritage. It has also highlighted lack of public discourse and popular participation in development of urban habitats in a nation on massive urbanization drive. The destroyed structures formed part of modern ventures in world’s 2nd largest urban centre, which essentially prides of its history and diversity.

In the wake of such situations we observe lack of professional and educated participation from architects, planners and urbanist in urban governance. The management and government of urban centres is often left in the hands of a creed oblivious to issues of urban environments, management, heritage. This is true not only regarding built environments but a wide gamut of issues including urban pollution, safety. Equally essential is sensitizing general population about environments they inhabit and participate in decision making regarding their cities and not just be a mute audience to ‘their’ governments.

Hall of Nations, Pragati Maidan, Delhi – 1980-2017

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