Capturing The Colonial Calcutta : Reminiscences Of An Era

Howrah Bridge, Kolkata

Being a Calcuttan or a Kolkattan in today’s context; it is of profound interest to explore certain pockets and landmarks of the city, which in their own way speak of both architectural and cultural characteristics which take back to an era in spite of some drastic changes witnessed in modern context of the city, society, people, surroundings and many more of such aspects. Continue reading “Capturing The Colonial Calcutta : Reminiscences Of An Era”

Corporate Social Responsibility in Heritage Areas

Jal Mahal revival, a project mired in controversy related to ownership and maintenance of heritage structures.

The protection of our national heritage is about protecting the cultural legacies so that it is experienced by the future generations to enable understand who we were who we are and help to assess where can we be lead to. Today with the advent of globalization and with development of the phenomenon of global corporation, there is a need that the public and private organizations focus together to achieve common goals of sustainable development. There is a necessity that, along with core business sectors, other areas like health services, sports, heritage, environment etc. need to be looked upon with greater emphasis.

Continue reading “Corporate Social Responsibility in Heritage Areas”

Level Crossing

Is Affordable Housing Inclusive ?

An affodable housing project underway In New Delhi.

Over half of the world is urbanized now. An ever growing population and increasing activities in a developing city bring about tremendous pressure on the urban land and its housing sector. Urbanization has resulted in people increasingly living in slums and squatter settlements and has deteriorated the housing conditions of the economically weaker sections of the society. The problem of Urban Housing has always been an inevitable outcome of growing urbanization. Continue reading “Is Affordable Housing Inclusive ?”

Ring Railway

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